BIMEXPERTSWe make every building think!
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BIM FAQsWe have compiled the most frequently asked questions about BIM for you.
What does BIM mean?
BIM is an abbreviation and stands for “Building Information Modeling”: A digital planning process to start a complete construction project, which contains all relevant information and from which up to 7 dimensions (in addition to spatial dimensions, also time, costs, life cycle and facility management) can be derived. Building data is “modeled” across all trades. The end product of the BIM process is a digital 3D model or digital twin, which integrates architecture, statics and the technical building equipment.
What are the advantages of BIM?
BIM ensures clearly defined planning and construction processes, maximum transparency and cost certainty. It also significantly reduces errors and the resulting additional costs (collision detection). Communication among all project participants is more efficient and result-oriented. The current construction progress including the currently required budget can be called up easily and quickly. The 3D models and the associated better illustration also make it easier to obtain official approvals. Furthermore, the client generates learning paths for future projects.
What happens with the data model?
The data sovereignty is incumbent on the building owner. Thanks to precise data quality at every stage, BIM provides a sound basis for decision-making and can be used from planning to utilization and facility management. Errors can be avoided and thus costs saved.
How do I get started with BIM?
BIM starts with raising awareness: identifying possible improvements in processes and related optimizations. This awareness must be shared within the company and at the same time among all the players involved in the construction process. We recommend a step-by-step implementation of BIM: 1 Setting the BIM goals in the company 2 Set up the processes within your organization 3 Correct updating of the software 4 Training of engineers and architects 5 Creation of the OIRs (Organizational Information Requirements) and the BEP (BIM execution plan) For this purpose, we also offer our BIM consulting.
Is BIM more expensive than the traditional way?
This is where you have to put things into perspective. At the beginning, BIM naturally involves higher investment costs. But on the other hand, very high and precise planning and data quality is already available in the early phases of the project, which only needs to be adjusted slightly in the later phases (e.g. implementation planning). The BIM methodology is therefore an investment from which one profits in the long term and saves costs.
What is Little BIM and Big BIM?
“Big BIM” refers to the interdisciplinary cooperation of all partners involved in the planning, execution and utilization of a structure and their software tools from different manufacturers. This is currently still largely a vision, but is already being practiced in subareas such as design and execution planning between structural and building services planners. “Little BIM” refers to the use of BIM as an “island solution” within a company or a planning discipline and a software solution from one manufacturer.
How does the data exchange between different trades work?
Due to the predominant division of labor in Germany and a small-scale, heterogeneous corporate structure within which several offices work on a project with different software tools, interdisciplinary cooperation with powerful interfaces is required. After all, a wealth of information in different data formats is generated from the conception, planning, construction, use and management to the dismantling of buildings. In order to be able to manage, document, archive and exchange this information efficiently and without loss between the parties involved, a common basis for the exchange of BIM data was created with the object-oriented basic data models IFC (Industry Foundation Classes).