BENEFIT FROM BIMProcess-oriented work with the digital building model gives contractors the overview they need.

If you want to be innovative, you have to be prepared to throw old ways of thinking overboard. This also applies in particular to working with the digital building model. Buildings are getting smarter and smarter, and you need an ever-increasing amount of information.

The BIM methodology enables all relevant data and information to be available to all project participants.

This ensures transparency, efficiency and a smooth process over the entire life cycle of a building – from planning and execution to operation.

How do you benefit with BIM?

BIM Consultant
We analyze the requirements for you and create easily comprehensible contractual bases to ensure uniform and usable data structures for the economic success of the project for the client.
BIM Implementation
Based on the contractual principles, we support you in the partner-like implementation with your contractors in order to document and ensure the smooth project realization through knowledge transfer.
BIM Objects
For easy utilization of your data and to ensure continuous workflows and object relationships, your objects are adapted to the requirements and implemented in the project for quality assurance.
BIM Rules and Regulations
For you as the client, the rulebooks are the guarantee that quality is ensured technically and organizationally through practical know-how and that you can always rely on a buildable solution using the rulebooks.
BIM Scan
The digital twin gives you security and creates confidence in the billing of services by your contractors. For the first time, this trend-setting technology makes it possible to realize a contract-target and contract-actual comparison by means of the as-built documentation in an uncomplicated way.
BIM Templates
Our templates offer a quick and efficient start for your contractors to generate consistent and usable data for your economic benefit. We create your company's own Revit template HVACS-E, with which you will have the basic requirement covered by the authoring software for BIM tenders in the future. The custom template contains your experience, plan headers, symbols, colors, abbreviations, systems, families (blocks) and intelligences.
BIM Training
True to the guiding principle that BIM should create transparency, we want to share our expertise in BIM management, coordination and modeling to grow together.We are already partner of recognized training companies such as AMS Vienna, TÜV Süd, Mensch & Maschine and many more and are therefore also certified Autodesk trainers with various additional qualifications of all kinds of software from the BIM everyday life. We offer practical trainings of the authoring software, checking software, viewer, model-based communication as well as to numerous interfaces. The BIM trainings are part of the BIM implementation and thus also guarantee the optimal operation of the introduced software.
BIM Project Management
The project manager focuses on the setup in the project so that all framework conditions for a usable data strategy are in place and continuously controls this with a focus on improvement and optimization potential in coordination with the client and the project stakeholders. With our expertise, we represent the interests of the client and work with you to develop the information and requirements needed for the project. Due to our many years of experience in planning, service provision and BIM consulting, we have a lot of experience in dealing with the problems that contractors and subcontractors may encounter throughout all planning phases and are able to solve them.
BIM Project Control
The project control ensures the flow in the project and is responsible for ensuring that there are no delays in the delivery of information and data.As BIM project managers, we ensure that the specifications - which arise from the AIA (client information requirements) - are integrated into the project team's everyday work in a tried and tested manner. For this purpose, we develop the BAP (BIM execution plan), based on the current state of knowledge of technology and the principles of internationally recognized companies such as bSAT. Furthermore, we optimize the requirements so that the contractors or subcontractors in the form of BGK, BFK and BE can meet all the requirements of the client.We form the communicative interface between BPL and BGK and are responsible for continuously cross-checking the BIM requirements of the AIA with the current conditions from the BAP, keeping them up to date and, if necessary, redirecting them. The coordination of the scheduling processes on the subject of BIM also belongs to our area of responsibility.
BIM Overall Coordinator
The overall coordinator guarantees a high-quality model in coordination with all project participants and ensures that the data flow works.We coordinate and verify interdisciplinary BIM content and models based on the specifications of the BPS (BIM project control). We are responsible for the overall coordination models and supervise the work of the individual BFK. We are the primary point of contact for the BPS.Through our experience in the area of interdisciplinary BGK, we have determined that a BFK should not also be a BGK, as he or she is affiliated with his or her trade and could thus be biased. As a result, it is hardly possible for the BPS to obtain a neutral and true-to-life reflection of the current coordination maturity. This usually leads to unrest and additional cost demands in the project team on the part of the BFK and BE. What was originally intended as a relief through a dual role (mostly architects in the role of BFK and BGK), in reality turns out to be a steadily growing disruptive factor on the contractor side.We rely on ICC (Integrity Criterial Check), FCC (Formality Criterial Check) and QCC (Quality Criterial Checks). The latter is to be continuously requested by the BFK between the coordination meetings as proof that there are no internal collisions. The other two checks are always performed at the start of a project and at any milestone. As a rule, overall coordination meetings are held at 14-day intervals. Together with the BPS, we specify the timing of the incoming inspection reports and inspection models of the BFK in the form of a datadrop schedule. We rely on the BCF standard of model-based communication and can also provide you with the corresponding platform.
BIM Technical Coordinator
The technical coordinator is usually located at the contractor and ensures that high quality models are delivered.We coordinate and verify internal collisions with the internal trade and external trades. Our focus here is on three coordination conditions: 1) internal against internal, 2) internal against external and 3) finding duplicates.In practice, we proceed in such a way that we carry out or initiate the coordination ourselves area by area or floor by floor using the authoring software. Afterwards, we create coordination models at predefined points in time - based on the schedule of the data drops for the overall coordination meeting - which are created rule-based on the basis of the BAP (BIM execution plan) specifications and are formulated project-specifically. We rely on the BCF standard of model-based communication and can also provide you with the corresponding platform.We are happy to support you with the correct IFC classification to ensure the checks of the BGK.
BIM Modeler
The modeler creates the models based on the specifications and is an important success factor for the creation of usable data.We model HVAC projects for you in every phase, based on specifications and concepts - from the design to the work & assembly plan.We are familiar with the assembly processes on site and can therefore produce actual executable plans at a very early stage using modern BIM methodology. In addition to the AIA (client information requirements) and BAP (BIM execution plan) requirements, we also pay special attention to the common standards, such as H6010, H5051, ÖNorm A6241.Through our 'all-round commitment' to the topic of BIM - starting from BIM creator to BIM project management - we know all the requirements that you and your PIM (Project Information Model) will face. The coordination requirements are also known to us and are already simplified at an early stage through area-specific pre-coordinations in the Revit authoring software.



BIM Modeling & Engineering

BIM Modeling & Engineering

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